On Demand App Now Available

Dear Friends,

It has been a long life dream of mine to create a high quality On Demand yoga and meditation app for people to practice from all across the globe. People who need it the most, and for those who maybe don't have access to a plethora of yoga and meditation studios like us who live in Los Angeles and even in the U.S.. I have seen these practices heal, reform and even save people's lives, mine included. That is why it is my purpose in life to share them with as many people as possible. 

It is true that when you deeply desire something, the entire universe will conspire to help you achieve it. So believe in your dream and protect it my friend, I am living proof that you are the creator of your life experience. Breathe life into your dream every single day, until it’s strong enough to have a life on its own. I am here to guided you, my signature meditation Manifest Your Dreams, was the first class I filmed for our On

Demand mindfulness app, The MINDRY Anywhere

Of course I couldn't carry on such a massive initiative on my own. I am forever grateful for my yoga home, The MINDRY Meditation studio in Malibu for partnering up with me, trusting me, supporting me and empowering me with all their resources to bring this dream into fruition. I’m also truly grateful for all my students that participated in filming the videos, and those who opened their stunning homes and kind  hearts to help this manifestation of mine come to life. The gorgeous homes that you will see in the classes belong to my Malibu students that have been practicing with me for years now. They generously opened their homes to me, helped move furniture around, all from the goodness of their own heart. They simply believed in my vision and wanted to support me. Most importantly, I am grateful for the world premier teachers and guides that offered incredible classes through their wisdom, talent and sacred teachings. This is all for you, who is reading these words, its for your healing, inner peace, health, longevity and wellbeing. 

For the last six months, I have been living and breathing this project. Where you can practice with me and other premier teachers from anywhere in the world. You will have full access to incredible classes that include Power Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Yin yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Sound Bath, Reiki, Hypnotherapy and Crystal healing. We have sleep meditation series, daily mindfulness practices, and so much more! Delivered to you with love from the heart of Malibu, California. I can’t wait for you all to benefit from this special offering from my open heart to yours. 

Download the app now! Available for iOS, Android and the web.