How I Rewired My Brain

Savoring a banana

Savoring a banana

Me at 5 years old

Me at 5 years old

1st grade school photo

1st grade school photo

Baby Maha at 1 year old

Baby Maha at 1 year old

I have a confession to make! I used to have the lowest self esteem ever. It is said that, the voice of your parents ends up being the voice in your head. I grew up with a narcissistic mother who was extremely critical. Nothing was ever good enough for her, and she made sure to let me know of that by always yelling out all kinds of mean things, "you're ugly, stupid, lazy, skinny, gross, a loser" and all sorts of nasty name calling. So as you can imagine, I carried that heaviness with me through most of my life. I went about for years and years, believing that I was unworthy of love, happiness and success.

It was only until I dived deep into my yoga and meditation practice, that I learned about self compassion and the power of belief. That you truly are what you believe you are. But without that awareness that comes from witnessing the thought patterns in your brain, you might fall into the trap of self sabotage. 

The most powerful and healing benefit of having a consistent meditation practice is that it allowed me to be mindful of my self talk, that's when I realized that I was using the same language in my mind that my mother was using with me. So I made a list of all the negative self talk and limiting beliefs that were deeply ingrained in my psyche, and created a new list right next to it that was the complete opposite. A list of positive and empowering affirmations. I basically created a list of the person I wanted to become. In yoga philosophy, that is called the practice of pratipaksha bhavana.

To say that this practice completely transformed who I am as a human being, would be an understatement. I became a completely different person. Today, I am proud to declare that at my deepest core I feel empowered, abundant and worthy of all the love and beauty this precious life has to offer. 

If you suffer from unworthiness or low self esteem, I am here to tell you that there is a much more vibrant way of being, and YES, it is available to YOU! It would be an act of self-betrayal for you to continue to live that way. I didn't start this practice until I was in my thirties, and it only took 21 days for me to see the transformation in the way I carry myself and how I live my life. This is why I share with you below, my 21 day meditation program designed for beginners, Wake Up Like a Warrior. Made available at a sliding scale price. These are the practices that all the athletes, CEOs and highly successful people hold at a scared level.

BlogMaha Bodhi